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$ 9.99

Each clear glass bottle is filled with fine sand, assorted miniature seashells, and is adorned with a real starfish. Create your own message inside the glass bottle or let us do it for you. Our custom invitation is printed on an ivory linen paper and is attached to natural earthy paper.

Charm your guests with this message in a bottle, Starfish edition. It poses as the perfect invitation card for wedding couples who want to stir up the guests before the actual wedding day. While this would arguably be the best form of invitation if you were getting wedded on a beach, you can also use the invite for other occasions including baby and bridal showers, anniversaries and corporate events.

The starfish wedding invitation in a bottle comes with various options you could use to spice up the invitations. You could add a personalized tag or a response card listing your rsvp date and return name address. There is an option for you to further customize the bottle by engraving the couple's names and event date on it. Additional options include maps and directions leading to your event, and a white corrugated box that keeps the package safe if you intend on shipping it.



Charm your guests with this message in a bottle, Starfish edition. It poses as the perfect invitation card for wedding couples who want to stir up the guests before the actual wedding day. While this would arguably be the best form of invitation if you were getting wedded on a beach, you can also use the invite for other occasions including baby and bridal showers, anniversaries and corporate events.

The starfish wedding invitation in a bottle comes with various options you could use to spice up the invitations. You could add a personalized tag or a response card listing your rsvp date and return name address. There is an option for you to further customize the bottle by engraving the couple's names and event date on it. Additional options include maps and directions leading to your event, and a white corrugated box that keeps the package safe if you intend on shipping it.
Charm your guests with this message in a bottle, Starfish edition. It poses as the perfect invitation card for wedding couples who want to stir up the guests before the actual wedding day. While this would arguably be the best form of invitation if you were getting wedded on a beach, you can also use the invite for other occasions including baby and bridal showers, anniversaries and corporate events.

The starfish wedding invitation in a bottle comes with various options you could use to spice up the invitations. You could add a personalized tag or a response card listing your rsvp date and return name address. There is an option for you to further customize the bottle by engraving the couple's names and event date on it. Additional options include maps and directions leading to your event, and a white corrugated box that keeps the package safe if you intend on shipping it.
 your guests with this message in a bottle, Starfish edition. It poses as the perfect invitation card for wedding couples who want to stir up the guests before the actual wedding day. While this would arguably be the best form of invitation if you were getting wedded on a beach, you can also use the invite for other occasions including baby and bridal showers, anniversaries and corporate events.

The starfish wedding invitation in a bottle comes with various options you could use to spice up the invitations. You could add a personalized tag or a response card listing your rsvp date and return name address. There is an option for you to further customize the bottle by engraving the couple's names and event date on it. Additional options include maps and directions leading to your event, and a white corrugated box that keeps the package safe if you intend on shipping it.

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